Sedaj prikazano: Islandija - Poštne znamke (1990 - 1999) - 227 znamke.
15. februar WM: Nič Perforacija: 11¼
![[Birds - Ducks, tip RP]](
![[Birds - Ducks, tip RQ]](
15. februar WM: Nič Perforacija: 12¾
![[National Arms - Imperforated on 1 side, tip RU]](
15. februar WM: Nič Perforacija: 12¾
![[National Arms - Imperforated on 1 side, tip RY]](
3. marec WM: Nič Perforacija: 13¾ x 14
![[Famous Icelanders, tip RZ]](
![[Famous Icelanders, tip SA]](
7. maj WM: Nič Perforacija: 11¾ x 11½
![[EUROPA Stamps - Post Offices, tip SB]](
![[EUROPA Stamps - Post Offices, tip SC]](
28. junij WM: Nič Perforacija: 13 x 14½
![[Sports, tip SD]](
![[Sports, tip SE]](
6. september WM: Nič Perforacija: 11¾
![[Landscapes, tip SF]](
![[Landscapes, tip SG]](
6. september WM: Nič Perforacija: 13½
![[European Year of Tourism, tip SH]](
9. oktober WM: Nič Perforacija: 12½ x 12¾
![[Day of the Stamp, tip ]](
8. november WM: Nič Perforacija: 13¼
![[Christmas Stamps, tip SJ]](
![[Christmas Stamps, tip SK]](
2. februar WM: Nič Perforacija: 11½
![[Birds, tip SL]](
![[Birds, tip SM]](
7. marec WM: Nič Perforacija: 11¾
![[Landscapes - Vestrahorn and Kverkfjell, tip SN]](
![[Landscapes - Vestrahorn and Kverkfjell, tip SO]](
29. april WM: Nič Perforacija: 14
![[EUROPA Stamps - European Aerospace - Space Research, tip SP]](
![[EUROPA Stamps - European Aerospace - Space Research, tip SQ]](
23. maj WM: Nič Perforacija: 12¾
![[Stamp Exhibition NORDIA ´91, tip ]](
23. maj WM: Nič Perforacija: 11¾
![[Northern Edition - Tourism, tip SS]](
![[Northern Edition - Tourism, tip ST]](
14. avgust WM: Nič Perforacija: 13¼ x 14¼
![[Sports - Wrestling and Golf, tip SU]](
![[Sports - Wrestling and Golf, tip SV]](
14. avgust WM: Nič Perforacija: 13¾
![[The Composer and Organist Páll Ísólfsson, tip SW]](
![[The Composer and Organist Páll Ísólfsson, tip SX]](
9. oktober WM: Nič Perforacija: 14
![[Ships, tip TB]](
9. oktober WM: Nič Perforacija: 13½
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Navigation College in Reykjavik, tip TC]](
7. november WM: Nič Perforacija: 13¼
![[Christmas Stamps, tip TD]](
![[Christmas Stamps, tip TE]](
20. februar WM: Nič Perforacija: 13¼ x 14¼
![[Sports - Volleyball and Skiing, tip TF]](
![[Sports - Volleyball and Skiing, tip TG]](
6. april WM: Nič Perforacija: 13 x 13¾
![[EUROPA Stamps - Voyages of Discovery in America - The 500th Anniversary of the Arrival of Columbus to America, tip ]](